Thursday, January 30, 2020

Discipline in the Classroom Essay Example for Free

Discipline in the Classroom Essay Youre nothing but a wuss. Your mama aint here to help you now so why dont you stand and fight me like a man†¦. Thats right, saying nothing is going to make the situation better. You gonna go cry to Mrs. Wilson about it now? This type of harassment in the classroom distracts the students from their main objective-to learn. Disciplinary problems in the classroom interrupt the atmosphere of the classroom, a place where learning takes precedent above all else. A tense environment detracts from learning and everyone loses. Mrs. Wilson got upset, the other school children endured constant harassment, and the children responsible for this harassment got lost in the system. Although experts cite many responses, multicultural education remains an answer that benefits both the teacher and all of the students. Disciplinary problems not only disrupt the serenity of the classroom, but if left untreated, manifest into societal problems. Violence grows as Americas answer to any problem. This trend has been growing steadily in our nations classrooms, and recent incidences like that of Columbine High School remind us that angry children become everyones problem if no one reaches out to them. cal1966, please do not redistribute this work. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this work elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. Detention, suspension, and expulsion remain popular methods for dealing with discipline, but these methods serve only to remove rather than to solve the problem. Multicultural education stimulates the children to incorporate their own life experiences into what they learn and makes them active participants in their own learning process. Multicultural education serves to help bridge gaps between different classes, races, and genders. Not a seemingly easy task, drastic measures are imperative when the future of our country rests on the futures of our children. Take an eighth grade classroom located in a rural district with only three middle schools servicing the entire county. Mark and Jake, two white boys, constantly disrupted Mrs. Wilsons Social Studies class. The situation distracted the teacher from her lesson plan, meaning that the other childrens learning fell behind their peers. Also, Mark and Jake jeopardized their own academic careers and threaten to become societal menaces. If left untreated their problems might develop into larger societal ills that hurt members of the population at large through their abuse of welfare or filling up the jails. Previously detention failed to help Mark and Jake correct their behavior, but Mrs. Wilson felt that the rest of the class should not suffer because of two members of the class. Disciplinary problems usually stem from some deeper anxiety that the children are facing. Marks parents work in an assembly line of a car manufacturer and net $40,000/year combined. They work long hours and spend little time with Mark after school. He takes the school bus to and from school, and he lives in a poor area of town where the houses are run down. Neither of his parents finished formal high school, although they both received GEDs. He has several younger siblings that look up to him as an example, but education is not stressed in his family. This hypothesis from studentcentral. o. uk Part of his disciplinary problem could be that he resents the fact that the state requires him to go to school. Mark sees that his parents struggle to get by, but no connection between improving his situation and education in his mind exists. People who succeed in class and come from upper-middle class backgrounds receive the brunt of his harassment. He feels resentment towards these students because he feels that he tries hard but society and good fortune still shun him. Jakes parents come from working class backgrounds, and he lives in an area that is close to Marks house. His parents experienced marital problems lately. They fight constantly, and his one younger sister also experienced problems in school. His father graduated from technical school and works as a mechanic in a local garage, and his mother works at Kroger. His disciplinary problems relate to the fact that his parents fight a lot and offer to get into screaming matches. With so much tension in his home he feels the need to lash out at someone, and conveniently finds other students to harass-students who he already resents because of their higher social status. His disciplinary problems started about the time that his parents started having problems. However, his parents failed to communicate their problems on to Mrs. Wilson, so she understands little about the reason for Jakes disciplinary problems. cofb fbr sefbfbw orfb fbk infb fofb fb. Mrs. Wilson, a 35-year old white teacher, became exasperated because Mark and Jake refused to respond to what she viewed as adequate attempts to reach them. They reserve their harassment for children who identify with the pper-middle class or excel in schoolwork. Because she experienced no contact with either set of parents, she remained unaware of the home problems that contribute to Mark and Jakes frustration with the school system. Her training also left her unprepared to deal with types of children who shrink away from contact with other people. The boys consistently under-perform in all their subjects. Although they received extra help in the past, they refused to take an active interest in learning, and instead tried to disrupt class time. Mrs. Wilson gave them extra help by working with them during class, and also assigned group partners to them, but the hostility the boys exhibited towards their partners made the working environment tense. They also disrespected Mrs. Wilson, and she felt like she lost all control because they refused to listen to anything she said. They removed themselves from the social scene of the school and appeared to not trust anyone but themselves. The harassment of other students needs to stop because everyone suffers in this situation. All the students fail to get to as much information as other classes with no disciplinary problems. These students will then experience a disadvantage next year when they compete against students from other classes. Also, Mark and Jake acted out and created this disturbance in class for some reason. If Mrs. Wilson fails reach them then their class disturbances might turn into societal disturbances. The importance of the situation remains for all involved to receive some help. This hypothesis from studentcentral. co. uk Mark and Jakes harassment needs to stop for the benefit of all involved. Multicultural education ensures that every child receives a proper education and an equal chance of success later in life. Like a runaway effect, the problems snowball setting students back and preventing them from attaining success in schools and jobs. In a multicultural setting ideally all the students express their individual voices in the class and its pedagogy. Multicultural education address typical disciplinary problems because the themes that of the process builds around active thinking by the students themselves about the world around them. Multicultural education helps remedy this situation, because everyones culture needs to gain acknowledgement by the teacher. However, since limited diversity exists in the classroom, Mrs. Wilson tries to incorporate other cultures as well to make all her students more accepting and understanding of everyones lifestyle. Although the classrooms contain relatively new textbooks, they should be discussed critically in class so that the students feel like active participants in their own education. Mark and Jake may be acting out because they feel a lack of control over their own education and their situation in life. Mrs. Wilson realized she had failed to stimulate stimulating them enough, and so they act out to try to grab attention. Rather punish these students, Mrs. Wilson tries to understand their motives and then to try to help them in whatever way the teacher deems possible. This hypothesis from studentcentral. co. uk Nieto writes, all teachers can become role models for all students as long as they are understanding, caring, and informed. One way in which teachers can build substantial relationships with students is by offering help to those who do not seek their aid (331). Mark and Jake try to get attention by lashing out. Mrs. Wilson must dig deeper than usual to get at the root of the problem if she wants to help them. Mrs. Wilson reaches her students through multicultural education. Her determination to reach students who have been labeled as problem children determines the rest of their scholastic careers. For her first step, Mrs. Wilson reevaluates whether her accusations about the childrens behavior warrants concern. Her actions could stem from her preconceived notions of lower, working class families since the children causing the disturbance are poorly dressed and do not have the best hygiene. If Mrs. Wilson holds any bias then she needs to address her own personal bias so that the children do not suffer from her one-sidedness. coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce! Once Mrs. Wilson ascertains that these children pose a serious disturbance in her classroom, then her objective reworks itself into new inventive ways. The benefits of conventional negative reinforcement seem to not pose any threat to Mark and Jake, so perhaps she can try positive reinforcement. Also, if she practices what Nieto outlined as a multicultural classroom (p. 05) then she creates an environment where the children feel comfortable approaching her. Perhaps by gaining their confidence she then determines the root of their discipline problems. Before implementing multicultural education, Mrs. Wilson first identifies the reason for Mark and Jakes outbreaks in class. Until now she treated them as regular problem children, but since none of the conventional disciplinary methods worked, she needs to sort out the root of the problem. Their problems at home cause their harassment of their peers. However, since the parents fail to return phone calls, Mrs. Wilson writes them and requests that they come in for a parent/teacher conference. If this measure fails to get the parents to school, then she plans to go visit them in their home. Because the parents are usually busy, there do not often communicate with the school. If the school approaches the parents in a non-threating manner, then perhaps the parents shed some light on their sons behavior problems. With more parental involvement, the boys feel more pressured to shape up. The home environment remains difficult to overcome, especially without the parents help. However, Mrs. Wilson needs to make the effort to at least try to contact them so that she has more input to correctly identify the reason Mark and Jake are acting out. Nieto writes teachers can encourage parents to give their children jobs at home, and then support them when they do (328). Maybe if Mark and Jake feel more important at home then they lose the urge to act out at school. Another method Mrs. Wilson employs to draw in outside resources for her classroom involves meeting with Mark and Jakes other teachers. Outside input also influences learning because if she experienced disciplinary problems in her class the boys probably act out in all of their classes. By calling a meeting with everyone involved, the teachers might be able to trace commonalties between all of the disciplinary outbreaks. If they see what sets the boys off then they prevent cause of the harassment, or at least create an opportunity to talk to the boys about their behavior. If the teachers pinpoint the cause of the boys disciplinary problems within the classroom, then they know how to solve the problem more effectively. A reason for their frustration within the classroom stems from the fact that Mark and Jake feel left out of the education process. If Mrs. Wilsons teaching style revolves around lectures they become bored and act out because of their boredom. The difficulty lies in making students pay attention in the classroom if their families devalue education at home. The teaching style induces no stimulation for them to want to learn. By using multicultural education, Mrs. Wilson aims to instill a love of learning in the students. Perhaps if Mrs. Wilson incorporates other methods of learning like hands on learning, group projects, or presentations by students for the rest of the class then she receives more positive behavior from all her students. If she can relate the students life and how education increases knowledge, then she makes not only Mark and Jake realize the importance of education in their lives but the importance of education to all of her students lives. Mrs. Wilson tries to incorporate other multicultural ideas in her lesson plan in order to accommodate the behavior of Mark and Jake. When they cover the holocaust she shows them Schindlers List to illustrate its impact on the Jewish people. Movies help show history in vivid detail, and the brutality of the film helps bring this terrible period in history to light. This helps her students realize that other people endure suffering, and by showing them a real example of suffering they might feel more compassion for others. She also shows that other groups have suffered more than her students. The suffering that their class endures pales in comparison to the plights of other ethnicities. When Mark and Jake see the brutality of war and the horrible consequences of fighting, they realize other methods for solving their internal conflicts exist. Mrs. Wilson also engages the students in a unique manner that tries to draw their attention onto examples that shape our modern day world. Examples that relate to the students lives impact students more forcefully instead of assigning them reading and expecting them to pick up all the material. By relating the assignments in class to their every day lives she shows them examples of how education better their own situation. The learning becomes much more personal and effects them more. Mrs. Wilson also changes the structure of her class. If she includes more history about the working class and their importance in situations like the Industrial Revolution, then she makes all the students from working class backgrounds feel more important and a sense of pride in their heritage. Nieto writes that teachers can use the experiences and understandings her students bring to class rather than an exotic or irrelevant curriculum (338). She needs to uphold and validate their culture because Mark and Jake feel like their culture contains no importance and that could be a reason for their lashing out. The punishments that the boys get assigned could take a more inventive twist in order to quelch their behavior. If assigned community service Mark and Jake see that many others in their community undergo more hardship then their families. Nieto also writes opportunities for after-school work or community service can be provided in much more substantial ways than they currently are (328). The boys gain a perspective on their own problems by comparing them to others less fortunate. Such epiphanies might improve their behavior in the classroom. Multicultural education starts in the classroom but affects a wide array of social problems. Discipline, if left untreated, expands into larger social ills, where the perpetrators leech off of everyone. The plague on society takes the form of welfare and jails where taxpayers bear the responsibility for those who refuse to help themselves. This societal failure can be avoided by trying to reach these children earlier in their academic careers so that they experience success later in life. Multicultural education remains the best way to retain those borderline students who otherwise get lost in the system. Mrs. Wilson employs many methods to try to reach Mark and Jake before they lose complete interest in school. First she tries to determine the root of the problem so that she knows the exact problem she is dealing with. Talking to the parents and other teachers gives a more comprehensive view to the situation. Once the boys frustration surfaces, Mrs. Wilson incorporates different teaching aspects into her lesson plan. Engaging the students makes them more interested in their education and lessens their tendency to act out. Relating the real world to their own lives makes them more involved members of society. Mark and Jake symbolize children whose problems generally run deeper than most teachers suspect. Multicultural education helps make these boys and all of the students in the classroom more productive members of society. If the boys stay off welfare then our tax dollars go towards improving other facets of life. The boys also become taxpayers who contribute to the solution rather than the problem. Without some intervention, children like Mark and Jake plague American society and benefit no one, including themselves. Hatred makes a disastrous problem that needs to be solved immediately, and multicultural education is one answer to that problem.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Futility :: essays research papers

While mining over abundant quotes, sonnets in a seemingly different language, and soliloquies with enough meter and meaning to write a doctorate, the main thing I’m left wondering is: What exactly was Shakespeare’s intent in writing Hamlet? He too, like the readers of today, was a mortal being. He too felt feelings of revenge and purposelessness, and questioned being and capability. As any other human has strived to comprehend at some point in their humble lives, I believe that this is one of Shakespeare’s attempts to justify the life given to man, or more fittingly, to comprehend man’s purpose in life. Hamlet is a pessimistic view of life that deems any man’s attempt at change, futile.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Several times within the play, Hamlet talks of man’s unused â€Å"capability and god-like reason† (259). He is distressed by â€Å"what a piece of work is a man! how noble in reason! how infinite in faculties!† (217). Man has a seemingly infinite range of action and it distresses the hero of this play that he, as well as mankind, does not utilize it. I imparts a guilt within him and he asks, â€Å"why yet I live to say ‘This thing’s to do,’/ Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means to do’t.† (260). I believe this worry rings true more now than ever. Today’s society is driven by time-management and efficiency. If you can do something, well we are taught we must do it. High school students are reared to be exceptional scholars, recruited athletes, multi-talented, upstanding citizens, and somehow volunteer, too. Free time is a waste of time is the message I’ve been getting, and Hamlet is battling this issue as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Besides being torn over the discrepancy between his capability and actions of avenging his father’s death, Hamlet is also concerned that thinking over the matter too much yield no action and therefore makes him â€Å"a coward† (225). He states that by turning something over and over in one’s mind and not coming to an immediate action â€Å"conscience does make cowards of us all† (228) and that â€Å"a thought which, quarter’d, hath but one part wisdom and ever three parts coward† (260). Does he mean to have action without thought? Is acting, or the act of being, the essence of man? By Hamlet’s saying â€Å"the readiness is all† (289) I feel that he is saying that by having fulfilled one’s potential to act, it can be done without thinking.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Comparison of the Two Deuteronomistic History Sources

When we look at the scripture associated with both of these sources, it is evident that there are differences in the narration of events concerning the rise of David as king of Israel and also in his reign as king. To begin the comparison of these two different sources, the following are observations that I have made concerning stories that are present in the Tremendously History source but absent In the other(priestly) source.To begin with, In 1 Samuel beginning In chapter 17:41 through verse 51, there Is an account of David slaying Goliath when he was a youth, and still small In stature, that Is not In the Chronicles. Then, the accounts of David being Installed In King Sail's court and the subsequent conflict between David and King Saul including Davit's fleeing from Saul and other related events in 1 Samuel 16 through 2 Samuel 1, is not mentioned at all in the Chronicles.Also, the conflict between the house of Saul and the house of David concerning who would be king of all of Isra el after Sail's death that is in 2 Samuel 2 through 2 Samuel 5:3, is not mentioned in the Chronicles. Notably absent from the Chronicles also, is the story of Davit's lust for Batches that resulted in an adulterous affair which precipitated his abuse of power that led to the death of Bather's husband Uriah so that David could take Batches to be his wife.This chain of events, and the devastating results that followed for Davit's family, as a result of this sin, Is recorded In 2 Samuel 11-20. The Chronicler states In 1 Chronicles 1 1 that David was proclaimed king over all of Israel where 2 Samuel 2:4 states that he was appointed king over all of Judas. Also notable, Is the omission of the battle In 2 Samuel 21:18-22, where David is almost killed. Another story that was very violent in tauter that was also omitted in the Chronicles was referenced in 2 Samuel 21:1-14, which is the story of how David had seven of Sail's descendants put to death.The story concerning Abscissa's service to an elderly King David in 1 Kings :1-4, is not present in the Chronicles either. Also, Davit's charge to Solomon concerning avenging the death of Banner and punishing Scheme for the curse that he had placed upon David in 1 Kings 2:1-2, is not noted in the Chronicles When I looked at 1 Chronicles, there were things present in this book that are not mentioned In the Tremendously History source concerning King David.In 1 Chronicles 21 :26, fire consumes Davit's sacrifice which Is not noted In 2 Samuel 24:25. Also, I could not find a narration In the books of Samuel or Kings that paralleled the one In 1 Chronicles 22-29, which tells of David doing much of the preparation for the building implies that there was no opposition to Solomon being appointed the next king, but 1 Kings chapters 1 and 2 tell a different story. In Samuel, the author presents the story of Davit's family, victories over enemies, and recounts the moving of the ark of the covenant.In 1 Chronicles, King Davit's story i s told in a different order; the paving of the ark, family, victories over enemies, and then when the move of the ark is completed. Why is the story told in a different order by each source? In both of the sources, the story of King David is written to preserve the Jewish nation's history, but in a selective way, according to the perspective of the source(author or authors).From the Deterministic History point of view, the books of 1 and 2 Samuel and the first part of the book of 1 Kings that deal with King David, were looking backward and expressing the feelings of penitence. The breaking of the covenant with WHY, at mimes by David, by willful disobedience resulted in consequences. Ultimately, 1 and 2 Kings, show how Israel, under the reign of the Advice monarchy, ending up in captivity.The answer to the question of why King Davit's story is told is a different order by the other(priestly) source than it is by the Deterministic History source is that the other(priestly) source want ed to emphasize King Davit's concern for the worship payoff and for his temple. This aspect of the Advice monarchy is related in order to establish a link between the house of David(monarchy) and the house of Aaron(priests). The other(priestly) source provided an account of an â€Å"unblemished† and glorious king who was victorious over all of Israel's foes.The passages of scripture about David that do not fit this unblemished image were simply left out. This image of King David gave the Israelites hope that as he was so will their Messiah be, perfect and victorious. So, instead of looking to the past, the other(priestly) source sought to look forward in hope to Israel's future. The process of â€Å"critical† reading has been an enlightening one for me. I used The New Oxford Annotated Bible, New Revised Standard Version, that I purchased for this class and I have found t to be an extremely valuable resource.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Accounting For Business Coursework Accounting - 3707 Words

Accounting for Business Coursework: Introduction Accounting is the comprehensive way keeping track of all financial transactions pertaining in a firm. It is considered to being the language of most firms nowadays where they are found to communicate their performances to the externals. In addition to evaluating and examining their employees performances using the information conducted by the different financial statements and reports. Therefore, learning the language of accounting is bound to being essential for almost all firms and any other parties who might be involved in a decision making role based on financial information. Over this course of study we will be enabled to a wider research which will enable us to understand the†¦show more content†¦Thus, the objectives of financial reporting are crucial because it’s a way of formally providing reports of financial actions and files within a firm to owners, stockholders, governmental tax authorities. Moreover, they provide a consistent approach for firms in order to be more transparent, avoiding any scams which might takes place within the fiscal (money related) records. Conclusively, financial accounting is the preparation of financial statements. These statements report the overall image of a firm’s accounting period presumably an annual’s. This is considered to being a legal obligation of directors and managers in getting those statements publicisied and report to shareholders in order to examine the efficiency and performance of the firm in the period of time i.e. in the year. Therefore, future strategy related decisions are seen to be made easier with the information conducted from these financial reports and statements. Nevertheless, The following statement assumes that â€Å"Every UK company registered under the Companies Act is required to prepare a set of accounts that give a true and fair view of its profit or loss for the year and of its state of affairs at the yearend (Riley J: 2012) †. Therefore, efficient financial reports are seen to be mandatory for all firms, whether it’s at a national level or even privately owned. 2) The key features and structure of a balance sheet: The balance sheet is one of the financial statements whichShow MoreRelatedUniversity of West Alabama927 Words   |  4 PagesLivingston Division of Online Programs - Business Programs With a longstanding tradition of offering quality education for over 175 years, the University of West Alabama branched out in the fall of 2002 and began offering online educational programs. Since then, online education has taken off at UWA. 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